
Why wool? What are the benefits of a wool mattress? Can wool really help you sleep better? Are wool mattresses comfy? Are they safe? Don’t they make you hot?

We’ve compiled a list of some of the greatest benefits of wool mattresses that will answer all of the above questions. With so many benefits, wool mattresses are the best choice not only for your health but for the future of the Planet as well. Read on and give wool a try next time you need a mattress for better sleep.


Wool helps the body regulate its temperature so that you are never too hot or too cold while sleeping on a wool mattress

Temperature regulation is one of the key factors for better sleep. Wool is naturally temperature regulative. Thanks to its extreme breathability and moisture-wicking quality, wool helps your body control its temperature so that you can get truly restorative sleep. Thus, wool keeps you cool in the summer & warm in the winter. Hooray!

A team of researchers in Australia have tried to define the science behind sleeping on wool and found out that it’s exactly the wool’s ability to help you control your body temperature that keeps you in the so-called thermal comfort zone for longer, thus allowing you to get more hours of deep sleep.

Wool Mattresses are hypoallergenic and dust mite resistant

Wool is naturally dust mite resistant. We wouldn’t be wrong to state that dust mites just can’t stand wool. How brilliant is that!

Dust mites are microscopic creatures that develop extremely well on dead skin flakes. They love the warm and moist areas in your home. And yes, there are dust mites in every home. If you haven’t noticed any at your home, consider yourself lucky enough to not be sensitive or allergic to them. Many are, however, suffering dust mite sensitivities and allergies. Severe allergy symptoms might even contribute to asthma and might include breathing difficulty and chest tightness.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to keep dust mites under control and wool bedding and wool mattresses can help you do that. They are all dust mites despise – breathable, cool, and lanolin-rich! These qualities repel any other kind of bacteria as well. That’s why wool is the perfect choice for newborns and for people with allergies.

Check out our 14 easy, effective, and yet natural ways to get control over dust mites.


Wool mattresses offer exceptional body support and comfort

Apart from the thermal comfort zone, wool mattresses also provide superior natural body support. Wool mattresses take care of your healthy posture during sleep. Through the unique way, the wool fibers distribute the weight evenly with no pressure points, they relieve joint pain and soothe muscle ache. Wool is better than any other natural or synthetic material in that endeavor.

On top of that, a wool mattress is perfect for couples and light sleepers since wool isolates the motion transfer. On a wool mattress, motion is not transferred from one part of the mattress to another so that when your partner moves, you don’t feel it on your side.


Wool mattresses do not off-gas VOCs and do not need fire retardants

Wool and other natural fibers (like cotton or hemp) that are not treated with anything are your only chance of avoiding VOCs. Wool is, however, the only material that will keep you away from VOCs without sacrificing comfort and without the need to be additionally treated with fire retardants.

Wool mattresses are the only mattresses that are not required by law to be sprayed with fire retardants. Wool is naturally flame resistant. Used in furniture items and bedding, it can provide a greater level of fire safety. Although flame retardants can offer benefits when added to some products, many of them are associated with adverse health effects in animals and humans. That’s why we’d better try to minimize our exposure to them.

It is hard to avoid VOCs, fire retardants, and live a toxic-free life, but small steps towards that ultimate goal are all worthwhile in the short and in the long term. So next time you’re about to bring some piece of furniture home, think twice, and bet on the natural option. That’s important especially for bedding, pillows, duvets, mattresses, and toppers since you spend a third of your life sleeping. And that’s a lot!


Wool mattresses are extremely durable

Wool is extremely durable, and therefore you can enjoy a wool mattress for life. Its durability and strength come from the fact that its fibers are super resilient and can be bent back on themselves 20,000 times before breaking. Cotton breaks after 3,200 bends and rayon fibers only last 75 bends!


Wool mattresses are kind to the Planet

Most of the conventional mattresses on the market now are complex products with lots of layers and chemicals keeping them together. Most of the elements they are consisted of could be recycled. That, however, does not always happen. Sadly, most of the mattresses end up in the landfill. Experts perceive the issue as a huge part of the environmental catastrophe we are facing.

Mattress recycling facility .striving to recycle every bit of used mattresses to have a zero impact on environment.

That is why it’s extremely important to prolong the life of your current mattress and use it as much as possible. In case that is not an option, make sure to recycle it and choose a new mattress that is kinder to the Planet. A mattress that is sustainable and biodegradable. Wool mattresses are not only extremely durable and can last forever with the proper care and repair but they are also completely biodegradable.

A recent study shows that wool biodegrades in aquatic environments as well. In soil, wool functions as an effective soil conditioner and fertilizer. Wool is a win-win!


No Motion Transfer

Wool mattresses are an excellent choice for couples who want to sleep soundly without disturbing each other. Wool fibers are uniquely springy and can absorb and distribute motion without transferring it to other parts of the mattress.

The structure of wool fibers allows them to compress and expand without losing their shape or support. When one person moves or shifts position on the mattress, the movement doesn’t transfer to the other side. As a result, your partner can sleep peacefully without any interruption from your movements.

Our wool split mattress is the perfect solution for couples with different sleep preferences. Each half of the mattress can be customized according to your specific needs. You can choose different thicknesses, material choices, and designs for each side. This ensures that both partners can have a comfortable and restful sleep that caters to their individual needs.

Fully Customizable

At Home of Wool, we believe that your mattress should be customized to meet your unique needs and preferences. That’s why each one of our pieces is carefully handcrafted by skilled artisans who take great pride in their work and ensure the highest quality and craftsmanship.
We offer a variety of fabric options, including cotton, wool, and linen, and only use GOTS and Oeko-Tex certified wool as filling. You will receive a final product made with only the finest materials available.

Customizing your piece allows you to create a sleep surface tailored to your individual needs. We can create a mattress with your desired firmness or softness while addressing any specific health concerns or sleep preferences you may have.

Our wool mattresses are handcrafted to last a lifetime, using only the highest quality materials. You can rest easy knowing that your custom wool mattress will provide you with many years of comfortable and restful sleep.


What is everybody else saying about sleeping on a wool mattress?


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    • 免费 修补包.


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    独一无二 手作 羊毛床垫 最健康 和最 恢复性睡眠.躺在奢华的纯羊毛上,体验 空前 舒适感.富有弹性的羊毛纤维可支撑身体,促进血液循环。 健康的 态势.与其他材料不同的热量和湿度调节功能可提升您的睡眠质量,让您 夏季凉爽冬暖让您 多睡一会儿 及更多 安生.经验 不间断睡眠 完整的 运动隔离 伙伴之间。采用奢华的有机棉、羊毛和亚麻面料。

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    需要帮助从选项中进行选择? 阅读我们的指南。

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    • 手工簇绒 用天然亚麻线穿过整个物品,以保持填充物的位置。
    • 免费 修补包.


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    价格从 $660 起


    完全 无化学无放气零挥发性有机化合物. 低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监 自然 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌, 抗菌、 阻燃 羊毛填充物. 增加 消防安全 家中 不带 阻燃剂. 100% 可降解 仅使用 可持续 可再生 材料

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    • 耐用金属 拉链 在两侧,方便您根据需要调整、添加或移除羊毛(根据要求提供塑料拉链)
    • 手工簇绒 用天然亚麻线将填充物固定到位。
    • 中缝 边缘。
    • 免费 修补包.
    • 松紧带 以固定在床垫上。
    • 厚度 - 1.5 英寸(4 厘米)



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