5 大孕妇和婴儿卧室必备品

Home of Wool Baby on Board 怀孕和育儿卧室必备五件宝

Keep It Simple

Getting ready for the arrival of a new family member can be challenging. Expecting parents have a lot to juggle and it’s a whole new world ahead of them. And the abundance of goods and services to pamper your baby and yourself as a new parent is scary. There are numerous lists with to dos and to haves. There are new products rising on the horizon each and every day. And it is our nesting instinct that makes us want it all.

Shopping for the new baby, however, might be a frustrating experience. We all want to give our babies the best start in life. But how do we know which stroller is the best stroller? Or what kind of a breast milk pump is going to work best for us. Or whether we need one at all? What about the air humidifier, the baby bottle warmer, and the pacifier?

What usually happens is that you start with a shopping list and after an hour or two of research you are totally paralised and unable to make a decision on even a single product.

The truth is babies do not need much. Nothing more than a dedicated parent at first.

That dedicated parent however will surely need some help to survive. A warm soup would do miracles. If you have a friend out there with a new baby on board – just ask whether they need some help and bring the warm soup.

And if you are soon to be a parent, here is our Top 5 Must-Haves List for your pregnancy and for the first months after giving birth. And we assure you – it is a simple one because if there’s one great tip to work for everyone in every situation it would be to keep it simple and stick to the basics.

1. Pregnancy pillow

The pregnancy pillow is a game-changer for pregnant women. It is a lifesaver especially during the third trimester when sleep usually becomes a dream due to either uneasy legs, leg cramps, heartburn, or acid reflux.

Ladies, you have no idea how much better you will feel with a pregnancy pillow under the duvet. It will support your head, your shoulders, and your back while you sleep. On your left side!!! The pregnancy pillow will also support the baby bump. Thus, sleep will become at least a little bit easier in the third trimester.

The greatest benefit of a pregnancy pillow is that while it supports your back and your bump, it will relieve to a great extent the symptoms of the Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS). Nearly every third pregnant woman is having the syndrome.

RLS is actually a disturbing, uncomfortable and itchy sensation that transforms into a constant and uncontrollable urge to move your legs no matter what time of the night it is. Most times you will just need to hug your pregnancy pillow with your legs. Thus the pillow will support your legs and apparently the nerves responsible for the RLS. This will surely reduce the intensity of the syndrome and give you an hour or two of deep sleep. Of course if it doesn’t help and if it is persistent you should consult your doctor.

There are different types of pregnancy pillows. The U-shaped pregnancy pillow and the C-shaped pregnancy pillow are the most popular among expecting moms. Apart from the great support for the whole body Home of Wool’s pregnancy pillows will be there for you, regulating your body temperature like no other pillow out there. They are filled with natural wool to keep you 冬暖 and cool in the summer months of your pregnancy.

Top 5 Pregnancy & Nursery Bedroom Essentials - u-shaped pregnancy pillow
五大孕期和育儿卧室必备 - C 形孕妇枕头
五大孕期和育儿卧室必备 - C 形孕妇枕头

2. Muslin Cloths

Well, that’s a great buy! The more, the better. You can never have too many of them.

Muslin cloths can be used in so many ways. You can use them to wipe milk away and clean any spit-up. You can use muslin cloths to cover up while breastfeeding in public so that the baby doesn’t get distracted and keep her focus on the feeding. The muslin cloth can easily turn into a light sunshade for the stroller or in the car. It can also turn into a nice sun hat for your toddler.

You will be surprised how many muslin cloths you will use.

3. Breathable bedding

As much as you can avoid all kinds of synthetics in your baby’s bed. Bet on natural and breathable 婴儿床上用品 materials for the baby bed, for the stroller, or for the car seat so that the body stays warm without sweating.

A good option to consider for the crib would be a baby sleeping bag.

Home of Wool 带宝宝的婴儿睡袋

A puddle pad is a good investment, especially at the beginning when every diaper is just too big for the small baby.

When choosing the bedding for the baby, have safety in mind. There is no space for loose items in the bed of the baby. The crib mattress should be firm and fit tightly in the crib. The same would be valid for the stroller, for the car seat or for any item your baby will spend much time in.

4. Nursing pillow

Her Majesty the Nursing Pillow will be there for you to make life smooth and easy.

Extremely versatile with its numerous benefits and uses, the nursing pillow is irreplaceable for any new parent.

Breastfeeding support

There is nothing like a good nursing pillow for a new mom. The nursing pillow gives you and the baby the necessary support while breastfeeding. And nursing is a challenging adventure. It is like learning to ride a bicycle. Difficult at the beginning, right?

A breastfeeding pillow will surely help you and the baby learn faster and with much less pain. It will help you achieve the right posture, bringing the tiny baby to the level of your breast, thus allowing a proper latch. The nursing pillow will reduce the strain in your arms, neck, shoulders, and back.

Considering that you are going to spend so much time breastfeeding the right posture and the support for your body will surely help you stay on top of it.

Bottle feeding support

Nursing pillows have benefits not only for breastfeeding moms. You can use a nursing pillow to bottle feed the baby as well. With a nursing pillow dads participate in the feeding of the baby with ease.

Playtime, tummy time, and learn to sit up time support for the baby

Babies grow fast. After a few months of breastfeeding, you will probably not need the breastfeeding pillow so much. Breastfeeding would already be a skill that you have mastered to perfection and a ritual that both you and your baby enjoy. The nursing pillow will be there for you and for your child during that time as well and support the baby’s quest for exploration.

Most of the nursing pillows on the market would be suitable to support the baby during tummy time, playtime and in the first weeks of sitting up.

Only new breastfeeding moms know how much time the baby is on the latch. Yes, it feels like 24/7 and yes, sometimes it is 24/7. So it is super important for the nursing pillow to be comfortable and made of completely natural and breathable materials.

As already noted breastfeeding can be challenging at the beginning. And often it involves a lot of sweating. Just because it is something that we have never done before. It rarely comes naturally. Pretty much it is a new skill for both the mother and the baby. It gets hot at the beginning and an all-natural wool filled nursing pillow with a natural cover (cotton, linen, or lambswool) will regulate the body temperature of the mom and of the baby allowing them to stay comfortable in each other’s hug.

5. Changing table

Yes, you can change diapers and do your baby bedtime routine on the bed, but that won’t be the best alternative for you back after giving birth. A proper changing station or simply a changing table with a proper height is an absolute must-have and it will save you so much pain.

Plus, how many pee-pee & poo-poo accidents can you have on the bed?

Want to know another benefit of the changing station?

Time flies so fast that you will soon forget how tiny that bundle of joy was at the very beginning. Bedtime rituals are a great time to take a photo of your baby. One photo each and every evening from the same angle. After a few months or a year – put them together in a slideshow. That will surely be a great memory from the time you didn’t get much sleep.

Keep it simple, go back to nature and enjoy the ride. And do not forget that at the beginning your baby needs milk, you, and a pure environment to flourish in. As they say: the days and the nights might be long, but the years are short.


  • 五大孕期和育儿卧室必备 - C 形孕妇枕头羊毛 C 形孕妇枕头之家
    价格从 $380 起

    有时,舒适是难以实现的,但我们有解决方案。我们的支撑性全天然羊毛枕可以帮助您 沉睡 在您怀孕期间。您可以轻松 调节充气量使其 贴身找到真正的支持.羊毛 监管 您的 体温 吸湿排汗 以确保 充分放松.我们的枕头是用 纯天然优质材料 并且易于维护。

    完全 无化学无放气零挥发性有机化合物. 低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监自然 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌, 抗菌、 阻燃。 100% 可降解 仅使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    尺寸:60 x 25 x 7 英寸(152.4 x 63.5 x 18 厘米)


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    • 可拆卸 可清洗 封面
    • 拉链 您可以根据自己最舒适的高度和硬度来调节填充量。
    • 插入 采用 100% 有机棉面料。


  • Home of Wool - 采用天然羊毛填充物的 U 型孕妇枕Home of Wool - 采用天然羊毛填充物的 U 型孕妇枕
    价格从 $549 起

    有时,舒适是难以实现的,但我们有解决方案。我们的支撑性全天然羊毛枕可以帮助您 沉睡 在您怀孕期间。您可以轻松 调节充气量使其 贴身找到真正的支持.羊毛 监管 您的 体温 吸湿排汗 以确保 充分放松.我们的枕头是用 纯天然优质材料 并且易于维护。

    完全 无化学无放气零挥发性有机化合物. 低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监自然 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌, 抗菌、 阻燃。 100% 可降解 仅使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    尺寸:35 x 51 英寸(88.9 x 129.5 厘米)


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    • 可拆卸 可清洗 封面
    • 拉链 您可以根据自己最舒适的高度和硬度来调节填充量。
    • 插入 采用 100% 有机棉面料。


  • Home of Wool 羊毛水坑垫保护套 防潮罩,适用于换尿布台、婴儿床、摇篮或摇篮床垫Home of Wool 羊毛水坑垫保护套 防潮罩,适用于换尿布台、婴儿床、摇篮或摇篮床垫特写
    价格从 $108 起


    密集 然而,令人难以置信的是 软性这款手工制作的重量级羊毛保护套/水坑垫是您的完美之选。 纯盖 孩子的床。它比床单厚得多 保护 褥疮 湿气、灰尘、磨损.它将羊毛的益处带给您最贴近身体的地方,让您更好地休息。享受无与伦比的 温度和湿度调节 整晚睡眠都非常舒适。

    完全 无化学无放气零挥发性有机化合物. 低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监 自然 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌, 抗菌、 阻燃。

    在床单下使用。用 松紧带. 拉诺利兹 以增加其 防水 能力

    100% 可降解 仅使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686227484005-5c4064ca-4d05"][vc_column_text]

    • 松紧带可固定在床垫上。


  • Home of Wool 羊毛填充婴儿床床垫Home of Wool 带保险杠的婴儿床床垫 - 顶部
    价格从 $99 起

    提供 为您和宝宝带来舒适和安全变革 您孩子的 环境 成 更健康 空间

    羊毛 呼吸 轻松 监管 温度与其他材料不同、 留住你 夏季凉爽 和 冬暖.吸走 身体水分 对于 无汗 夜晚减少 体臭。 羊毛是天然的 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌抗菌、 阻燃。 圆润柔软,适合 安全。 盖子可水洗 易于维护。 制造 不含任何化学物质和合成物、 包括 无阻燃剂 没有胶水,所以 您的孩子 安全的 免受市场上大多数材料的有害影响。产品 无放气 和 零挥发性有机化合物低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监

    完全 自定义结合 手作 工艺和奢华舒适。

    100% 可降解只使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686044727602-1e888315-7647"][vc_column_text]

    • 可拆卸 可清洗 封面
    • 领带 以方便将保险杠固定在婴儿床上。我们可以根据您的需要定制绑带的位置。
    • 插入 采用 100% 有机棉面料。
    • 100% 羊毛球棒 填充物为 1 层 400 克纸。


  • Home of Wool 纯天然婴儿换尿布台 - 侧面Home of Wool 纯天然婴儿换尿布台
    价格从 $202 起

    提供 为您和宝宝带来舒适和安全变革 您孩子的 环境 成 更健康 空间

    羊毛 呼吸 轻松 监管 温度,与其他材料不同、 留住你 夏季凉爽 和 冬暖.吸走 身体水分 对于 无汗 夜晚减少 体臭。 羊毛是天然的 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌抗菌、  阻燃。

    高轮廓线 安全。 盖子可水洗 易于维护。 婴儿躺卧的中间部位有软垫。 舒适 可选配水坑垫,用于 防止潮湿事故 和脏污。

    制造 不含任何化学物质和合成物、 包括 无阻燃剂 没有胶水,所以 您的孩子 安全的 免受市场上大多数材料的有害影响。产品 无放气 和 零挥发性有机化合物低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监

    完全 自定义结合 手作 工艺和奢华舒适。100% 可降解只使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686043715151-4a116dc0-da0d"][vc_column_text]

    • 侧面,保证宝宝安全:10 厘米(4 英寸)高 x 8 厘米(3 英寸)宽,内装 100% 羊毛.
    • 可拆卸 可清洗 封面
    • 插件 采用 100% 有机棉面料。
    • 100% 羊毛球棒 中间的馅料 - 1 层 400 gsm。
    • 拉链 如果需要,可在所有插芯上轻松调整羊毛填充物。


  • Home of Wool 哺乳枕天然羊毛填充哺乳枕 Boppy 尺寸
    价格从 $215 起

    提供 为您和宝宝带来舒适和安全. 变革 您孩子的 环境 成 更健康 空间

    填充羊毛,用于 舒适感.自然 支持然而 触感柔软.

    羊毛 呼吸 轻松 监管 温度与其他材料不同、 留住你 夏季凉爽冬暖.吸走 身体水分 对于 泪水免费的 夜晚减少 体臭。 羊毛是天然的 防尘螨、防霉、抗菌抗菌、 阻燃。

    制造 不含任何化学物质和合成物、 包括 无阻燃剂 没有胶水,所以 您的孩子 安全的 免受市场上大多数材料的有害影响。产品 无放气 和 零挥发性有机化合物低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 监控监

    完全 自定义结合 手作 工艺和奢华舒适。100% 可降解只使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686040895289-e12c0ef0-996c"][vc_column_text]

    耐用 拉锁 来调整羊毛填充物。


  • Home-of-Wool-Wool-Filled-Baby-Co-Sleeping-Set-Bed-Sharing-Cushion-bittersweetcolours无毒羊毛填充的天然婴儿同床睡袋
    价格从 $156 起




    总计 - 31 英寸长 x 18 英寸宽(79 厘米 x 46 厘米)
    吊床面积 - 23 英寸 x 8 英寸(59 厘米 x 20 厘米)(即高轮廓线之间的距离)

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686040298704-061d329d-384f"][vc_column_text]

    • 高轮廓 以防止婴儿滚开或你从婴儿身上滚过。
    • 吊床区 在中间,婴儿可以躺在父母的床垫上。
    • 拉链 如果需要,可以调整羊毛填充物。


  • Home of Wool 带宝宝的婴儿睡袋
    价格从 $178 起

    豪华 这款全天然睡袋采用 100% 材料制成,质地柔软。 原羊毛 外层和 100% 有机棉或丝绸 内衬,旨在让宝宝 感到被拥抱、安全和感动。 

    调节温度 与其他材料不同,它能让您 夏季凉爽冬暖.吸走 身体水分 对于 泪水免费的 夜里

    可清洗 易于维护。 安全健康的 - 全天然、 无合成完全 无化学与 无放气 和 零挥发性有机化合物低过敏性适合以下人群 化学敏感性、 包括 MCS.手工制作 并充分 自定义.塑料 拉锁 配有拉链车库,可保护婴儿。

    100% 可降解 仅使用 可持续 可再生 材料

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1685976568100-8d8738c8-d674"][vc_column_text]



    • 27英寸(70厘米)- 0-6个月大,新生儿身高-26英寸(70厘米)
    • 35英寸(90厘米)--6-18个月大,身高26-34英寸(70-90厘米)
    • 43 英寸(110 厘米)- 18-36 个月大,身高 35-43 英寸(90-110 厘米)
    • 51英寸(130厘米)- 3-6岁,身高43-51英寸(110-130厘米)



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